A new CNC on order!

Wow 10 years and open heart surgery since my last post. The inter web truly is sometimes a vast graveyard of digital remains.

But a few things happened recently inspired me to start blogging again. First is the pandemic and how life has slowed down and changed being locked at home. I am grateful my employer has been very good about us all working from home and that I can for the most part. Part of my engineering work really requires me to be in the lab sometimes and that have been very limited access. But the design and documentation part can be done easily at home even at some lesser percentage of efficiency. The plus side is I am not commuting into work spending 2 1/2 hours a day. That gives me more time to work on other stuff. One of the big other stuff has been learning more techniques of 3D modeling and CNC software tools. That part has been great as I really feel I have learned a tremendous wealth of techniques and a much better understanding how to do some things.

The second event was getting my stimulus check. Feeling a little bit comfortable in my job and not really in any pressing need to spend it I thought maybe the best use would be to put it a side in a new upgraded CNC machine fund. I have been wanting to do for years with my annual bonus but for the most part we have been putting that in the house and other necessitates. In this case to me it was found cash and putting towards an investment to hopefully help me do some side jobs after I retire would be the best choice. I knew it was not enough to get a machine now but added to a small portion of this years bonus it might work out.

I have been tracking developments in CNC machines for a long time. Almost always I would come the conclusion of what I wanted is too far out of a reasonable budget.  If I had 5K laying around I would love to pick up an Axiom  Iconic 4. But being honest this is a hobby with a small potential to make a little side cash. Investing that much would not be smart. But as I looked and looked everything seemed to be more compromise than I wanted make.

But then I started to learn about a new machine just coming out. A hobbyist level machine with some excellent mechanics and at a promised reasonable cost. Like that ever happens! But I signed up for their pre-offer information with an expected pre-sale in May. Information was slight but a they did send out a few units to Beta tester bloggers who started to review the machine. Glowing reviews only stoked my interest. They finally announced the prices in April and it did not disappoint. Plus they offered a significant pre-order discount and freebies making it really a rare opportunity to get in The catch is this is a pre-order and they wont start shipping until August. But its not a kick starter deal its from a company that has been in the CNC biz for years so that is some relief. All said even though I am not ready and really don't have all the funds I contemplated could I stretch and make it work. Not saying it was a deal of a lifetime but not saying it isn't close either.

So... I know you are dying to know the offers

Onefinity https://www.onefinitycnc.com/

Two machines:

Machinist full price $1995, pre-order $1575
Woodworker            $2395 pre-order $1975

They are not even listing the freebies anymore but included was a dust boot and a rail stiffener making the total saving for both machines


Oh and shipping was only $99 flat rate which seems very reasonable as well.

30% savings for the Machinist, 25% for the Woodworker. I had to pull the trigger. For the Machinist. I will spell out my reasoning in my next post aside from the lower cost.

So I got on their website May 21st 9am, read the final details which cost me a few spots in the lottery but ended up with order #135 which means an October shipment. Bummer! But hopefully early hiccups will be worked out before my shipment.

Another reason I decided to start my blog up again was I am planning on adding a few cool features on my new cnc and wanted a space to document and show. Plus all the things I am planning on creating with it. So enjoy the ride.


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